Can you GUESS what object RHYMES with each of the elf names below?
Rollover or tap (on mobile) to reveal the answer:
and the Leaning Tower of Pisa
with a Dandelion
Soaking in Swiss Miss
Floating in Mint Tea
Driving a Van
and His Best Friend Teddy
How are you doing so far??
Out on a Limb
Floating in Heaven
Sings a Christmas Song
Traveling to Bora Bora
Sailing Her Catamaran
and His Dog Marmaduke
…some of these are tricky!
Riding a Shark
Popping Out of a Hat
Riding in a Wagon
with a Glass of Zinfandel
Riding a Bike
Admiring Her Grammy
…you’re almost to the finish line!
Playing the Pawn
in a Sleeve
Hiding Behind a Mask
Sitting Next to a Prince?
How about YOU?
Have a wonderful holiday season!